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Ropes & Gray scores high in law firm M&A league tables
Ropes & Gray earned impressive rankings in Loan Pricing Corporation’s year-end 2006 Borrower Law Firm M&A League Tables, scoring five Top-10 rankings for U.S. syndicated loan transactions. The categories and rankings are as follows:

* Overall M&A by Number of Deals – Second
* Overall Leveraged by Number of Deals – Fourth
* Overall Leveraged by Volume – Eighth
* Overall M&A by Volume - Eighth
* Overall by Number of Deals – 10th

The recently issued league tables reflect Ropes & Gray’s impressive capabilities in M&A and private equity and are consistent with a history of high rankings. Recently, for example, the firm earned the top ranking in Private Equity Analyst's 2006 list of the "most active law firms by number of funds," advising general partners and limited partners in the formation of 504 funds. This was the third consecutive year the firm earned the top spot in the publication’s survey.


Former New York Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell Joins Proskauer Rose
proskauer Rose LLP, an international law firm with over 700 lawyers worldwide, announced that Dietrich L. Snell, the former New York Deputy Attorney General responsible for the investigation, litigation and regulatory activities performed by the Division of Public Advocacy under former Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, has joined the firm as a partner in the New York office. Mr. Snell will be a member of the firm's 250-lawyer Litigation Department and will be an integral part of its Corporate Defense and Investigations Practice Group.

A highly sought-after attorney with a wide range of experience in criminal and civil enforcement and regulatory matters pertaining to the financial services, corporate, non-profit, and public sectors, Mr. Snell also served as Senior Counsel to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States ("the 9/11 Commission") and for 11 years as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York. While an Assistant U.S. Attorney, Mr. Snell successfully prosecuted 1993 World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef for his role in the 1994-95 plot to destroy 12 passenger jets in midair.

"We are truly privileged to welcome an attorney with the stature, respect of his peers, and unrivaled talent of Dieter," said Allen I. Fagin, chairman of Proskauer Rose. "He will be a true asset to our Litigation Department and our representation of the business community, which includes the top companies in nearly every important sector."

According to Robert J. Cleary, partner and chair of Proskauer's Corporate Defense and Investigations Practice Group and the former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, Mr. Snell's range of experience will be a significant complement to a practice that is expanding rapidly and attracting top talent: "Along with the recent additions of Thomas Sjoblom and Ronald Wood, veteran securities and regulatory litigators who specialized in white collar and enforcement matters at the SEC, Dieter clearly cements our Corporate Defense practice as among the best in the nation. We are very excited to have him."

While serving as Deputy Attorney General in New York, Mr. Snell was responsible for directing the 160 Assistant Attorneys General and 200 support staff that comprised the Division of Public Advocacy as it handled a range of complex matters that included: the investigation and prosecution of bid rigging and other deceptive business practices by major participants in the insurance industry; the investigation and prosecution of securities law violations stemming from market-timing activities within the mutual fund industry; the investigation of major Wall Street firms for conflict of interest between research and investment banking functions and the negotiation of a settlement between the firms and federal, state, and industry regulators; consolidating the federal and state antitrust enforcement actions against Microsoft Corp.; enforcement actions against power plants for violation of the Clean Air Act and actions challenging related Environmental Protection Agency rulemaking; federal court litigation over preemption claims by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency regarding enforcement of the federal Fair Housing Act and state law prohibiting discrimination in lending; and coordination of relief efforts by charitable institutions following the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Mr. Snell also served as Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission, where he: led the team assigned to investigate the plot that culminated in the September 11 attacks; negotiated with the law enforcement, intelligence and diplomatic communities regarding access to documents, evidence, and witnesses; reviewed numerous classified and unclassified documents and materials; conducted witness interviews; advised commission members and assisted them at public hearings; and drafted and edited substantial portions of The 9/11 Commission Report.

As an Assistant U.S. Attorney, Mr. Snell investigated, tried, briefed, and argued appeals in federal criminal cases involving a wide variety of crimes including securities and commodities fraud, bank fraud, computer fraud, terrorism, narcotics, money laundering, and racketeering offenses. He also served as Deputy Chief Appellate Attorney, supervising the preparation and submission of briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and serving as legal advisor to over 120 Assistant U.S. Attorneys engaged in all facets of criminal prosecution.

Mr. Snell served as a law clerk to Judge Gilbert S. Merritt in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. He received his J.D. from Yale Law School and his B.A. from Yale College.


Gail Rodgers receives NYSBA’s President's Pro Bono Award
Gail Rodgers, a New York-based member of DLA Piper US LLP’s Litigation practice, today was honored with The New York State Bar Association’s 2007 President’s Pro Bono Service Award in the Young Lawyer category. The ceremony took place at the State Bar Center in Albany.

Rodgers, who was nominated by Anwen Hughes of the Human Rights First organization, was honored for the generous and effective pro bono services she rendered in representing asylum seekers in the State of New York during 2006. The cases were conducted directly through Human Right First, an advocacy organization whose mission is to build respect for human rights and the rule of law by providing free legal representation to asylum seekers who have fled persecution in their home countries, and advocating for the rights of asylum seekers in the United States.

“It’s wonderful to be presented with this recognition,” said Rodgers. “That said, the most important outcome here is the progress and results that have been accomplished through the efforts of Human Rights First. There are still an abundance of asylum seekers who are in need of legal assistance. I’m glad that I was able to grant professional advice to a few of them, and in the process we developed a genuine relationship as they faced very tough times.”

In 2006, Rodgers worked on two asylum cases, the first involving a couple from Togo whom she began representing in 2003. This complex case was resolved with grants of asylum in the spring of 2006, and Rodgers continues to fight on their behalf as the couple strives to be reunited with their three children, whom they have not seen in six years.

The second case involved a Nigerian student organizer who fled his country after the politically motivated slaying of a fellow activist, and was detained when he entered the US without proper papers. In a short period of time, Rodgers and a team of DLA Piper lawyers collected evidence that led to a recommendation to the court from the Department of Homeland Security to grant him asylum. He was granted asylum and freed from detention the same day.

Rodgers, who is a member of the American Bar Association and the New York State Bar Association, recently obtained a third victory for yet another asylum seeker.


Lanier joins DLA Piper’s Real Estate practice in Atlanta
DLA Piper US LLP has announced that Shawn Lanier has joined the firm’s Real Estate practice group as a partner in the Atlanta office. Lanier comes to the firm from Morris, Manning & Martin LLP.

Lanier focuses his practice on real estate development, especially large mixed-use developments. He represents a variety of clients throughout the real estate industry in their acquisition, development and financing of various resort, mixed-use and traditional shopping center projects throughout the Southeastern United States.

In this capacity, Mr. Lanier represents The Sembler Company in its acquisition and financing of properties, including mixed-use and retail projects. He has experience in the complex area of air rights, owners' association formation and management and use rights and controls. He leads the representation of Atlantic Station LLC in the ongoing development and operation of the Atlantic Station Project, a 138-acre mixed-use development located in Midtown Atlanta and the largest development project in the city.

“Shawn’s outstanding work with Atlantic Station makes him an ideal candidate to continue the expansion of our real estate practice in the Atlanta office,” said Mark E. Grantham, managing partner of DLA Piper’s Atlanta office. “His extensive real estate development experience will also complement Atlanta real estate partners Robert Crewdson and Brian Fielden’s strong transactional and construction practice.”

“Shawn will be a tremendous asset in serving our existing clients not only in the Southeast, but nationally and internationally,” added Jay Epstien, chair of DLA Piper's U.S. Real Estate practice group. “He is an extremely talented and highly regarded real estate attorney and we are pleased to welcome him to our team.”

Lanier’s arrival is the latest milestone in the expansion of DLA Piper’s Atlanta office. Since entering the Atlanta market in May 2006, DLA Piper has added more than 30 attorneys throughout key practice groups, including Corporate and Securities, Finance, Litigation and Real Estate.

Lanier clerked for U.S. District Court Judge Robert L. Vining, Jr. in the Northern District of Georgia before joining Morris, Manning & Martin. There, he was the chairperson of the pro bono and community service committee, and a member of the hiring and diversity committees.

He currently serves on the board of directors of the Sheltering Arms Education and Family Centers and is a member of the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation advisory board. Mr. Lanier volunteers with Project Open Hand in Atlanta, Trees Atlanta and Hands on Atlanta.

He received both a B.A. and J.D., cum laude, from Mercer University.


Hederman Advises Chinese Energy Industry to “Embrace the Future and to Go Beyond Transparency to Clarity”
Speaking at the Sino-U.S. Energy Market Development and Risk Management Conference over the weekend, William Hederman advised Chinese energy officials to embrace their emerging future and “build a just and exciting one.”

Hederman, Executive Director of the Morgan Lewis Energy Resources Group in Washington, D.C., spoke on “U.S. Energy Law: Building a Prosperous and Mobile Society through Industrial and Governmental Interaction.” After providing a strategic overview of U.S. energy policy, energy markets, and energy technology evolution, Hederman drew lessons for the approximately 100 assembled Chinese government officials and senior energy executives and U.S. energy experts. He said these lessons were based on his experience as the first U.S. National Energy Market Monitor and as the former chief enforcement official for energy market regulation.

Among the lessons America has learned, Hederman said, is that any energy policy must take account of unintended consequences and have the flexibility to correct unintended problems and to take advantage of unexpected benefits. In formulating energy market policy, Hederman said an effective energy market must have:

* Free choice for consumers and producers
* Good rules and fair enforcement
* Transparency—and go beyond transparency to “clarity,” so the public and policy makers understand the markets
* Incentives for honesty, efficiency, and innovation
* Good communications channels for commercially necessary information
* Ethical behavior by market participants and government officials

Hederman was joined at the conference by the head of the Morgan Lewis Beijing office, Lucas Chang. Other U.S. participants included Congressman Nick Lampson, former FERC Commissioner Branko Terzic, Victoria Pao (Platts CEO), Daniel Rodriguez (Morgan Stanley Managing Director), Barry Goldblatt (Merrill Lynch Managing Director), famed risk analyst Professor Vince Kaminski, and Bob Stibolt (Suez Energy Senior Vice President).

China speakers included Dr. Chu Juehai, Executive Vice President of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, who spoke about the exchange’s governance and its ambitious plans for energy, and Shawn Tang, Head of Risk Management for China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd., who spoke about the aftermath of CAO’s major trading losses.

Conference activities included an opening ceremony at the Houston compound of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China.

Hederman slides

About Morgan, Lewis

Morgan Lewis’s Energy Practice Group of more than 50 lawyers represents companies in all major areas of the energy industry and is experienced in all aspects of FERC’s regulatory requirements and FERC’s enforcement policy. In the FERC compliance area, our attorneys have conducted internal audits on regulatory compliance, assisted clients in developing internal regulatory compliance programs, and successfully advised and represented clients in numerous formal and informal audits and investigations conducted by FERC.

Morgan Lewis Energy Resources Group provides non-legal professional services to energy clients in the areas of compliance, corporate strategy, market analysis and valuation, mergers and acquisitions and other transactions support, and other business and finance areas.


Two U.S. Supreme Court Appearances
Last week, McDermott Will & Emery attorney M. Miller Baker, a trial partner in the Firm's Washington, D.C. office, appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court twice.

On Tuesday, April 24, 2007, Mr. Baker argued on behalf of Petitioner Jeffrey Beck, liquidating trustee of the Crown Vantage entities in Beck v. PACE International Union. Assistant to the Solicitor General Matthew Roberts argued for the United States in support of Beck. The issue in the case is whether Crown Vantage had a fiduciary duty under ERISA to consider a union's proposal to merge the company's pension plan into the union's pension plan after the company made a decision to terminate its pension plan. Also present at counsel table was McDermott employee benefits partner David Rogers. Assisting on the briefing and preparation were Bill Boies (Chicago) Michael Graham (Chicago), Michael Nadel (Washington, D.C.), Jeff Mikoni (Washington, D.C.), Will Hansen (Washington, D.C.), Joanna Enstice (Washington, D.C.) and Jeremy Medovoy (Washington, D.C.).

On Wednesday, April 25, 2007, Mr. Baker appeared at counsel table in Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life, representing appellee Wisconsin Right to Life (WRTL). Also present at WRTL's counsel table was Kathleen Sullivan, former dean of the Stanford Law School, and Richard Coleson of Bopp, Coleson, and Bostrom. Prominent First Amendment lawyer James Bopp, Jr., of Bopp, Coleson, and Bostrom argued on behalf of WRTL. The issue in the case is whether the McCain-Feingold law's ban on corporate and labor union funded broadcast advertisements that merely mention a candidate's name within 60 days of an election violates the First Amendment. A wide array of groups across the political spectrum, including the ACLU, the AFL-CIO and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, filed amicus briefs in support of WRTL. The central issue at argument was whether the Court should overturn its McConnell v. FEC decision, which upheld the relevant provision of the McCain-Feingold law from a facial challenge. Washington, D.C. partner Michael Nadel and Washington, D.C. associate Jeff Mikoni assisted on the briefing.


Kramer Levin Helps Reverse State Policy on Recognition of Valid Marriages of Same-Sex Couples
The New York State Department of Civil Service (DCS) has reversed its policy denying recognition to the marriages of same-sex couples entered into in other jurisdictions, directing that such marriages be respected for purposes of providing insurance coverage to public employees covered by the New York State Health Insurance Plan (NYSHIP). The change in policy affects employees of more than 800 public employers across the State. The prior policy was challenged in a suit brought by Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and Kramer Levin on behalf of a retired Nassau County schoolteacher who married his partner of 43 years in Canada but was denied the spousal health insurance benefits to which he was entitled. The school district and DCS took this position even though the state Attorney General, Comptroller, and other public officials and private entities throughout the state had recognized New York’s long-standing legal rule that a marriage valid in the jurisdiction where it was celebrated should be respected in New York. Ignoring this rule, a Nassau County Supreme Court Justice rejected the challenge in July 2006, but that decision remains on appeal. The change in policy, in part in reaction to the suit, follows the election of Governor Eliot Spitzer, who as attorney general had agreed with plaintiff's position and declined to defend the DCS policy. Governor Spitzer simultaneously introduced a bill to provide full civil marriage equality for same-sex couples in New York, which would reverse the exclusion upheld last year in Hernandez v. Robles, another case brought by Lambda Legal and Kramer Levin. Partners Jeff Trachtman and Norm Simon, and associates Darren Cohen, Aaron Fleisher, Michael Eisenkraft and Adina Levine are currently working with Lambda Legal on its marriage equality matters in New York.


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