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V&E Awards Six New Scholarships
Sarah Mayer has a passion for physics. Nicholas Winn wants to start his own law firm. Marisol Alvarado seeks to cure breast cancer. Oluwatosin Agbabiaka is the son of a Nigerian Lawyer. Jennifer Angarita is an artist and an athlete. And Jeremy Constancio worries that Americans' civil liberties are in jeopardy.

The six have never met. But this month, each of them graduates from high school with a strong desire to change the world using the law. All are headed to college this fall to fulfill that dream, thanks in part to a $10,000 scholarship awarded to each of them this week by the Vinson & Elkins Minority Student Scholarship Foundation.

Every year, Vinson & Elkins LLP awards six scholarships to minority students in Texas. The students come from lower-income households, have good grades and express an interest in law. As part of the scholarship, the students will receive $2,500 a year for four years to put toward the cost of tuition or living expenses. The students also are offered full-time paid internships at the law firm during their summer and winter vacations.

Since V&E created the Minority Scholarship 16 years ago, 85 Texas teenagers have gone to college with the help of the program. Six are now lawyers. Six more are currently in law school. Several are teachers. One is a journalist. Another is a vice president at Goldman Sachs.

""The purpose of this scholarship is to promote diversity, while also recognizing that there are a lot of teenagers out there who want to go to college and who want to make a difference, but they just need a little extra help,"" said Jim Reeder, a partner in V&E's Houston office and chairman of the scholarship program. ""These six students are amazing. They will make our communities a better place to live and work. And it starts with education.""

The 2006 V&E Scholars are:

Oluwatosin Agabiaka of Katy High School in Houston. Born in Lagos, Nigeria, Tosin is an eloquent communicator who plans to pursue a possible double major in English and political science at Duke University prior to seeking his law degree. He is the son of a Nigerian lawyer and said he has DNA ""seemingly concocted from legal briefs."" His passion for law comes from his background as well as his studies.
Marisol Alvarado of LBJ Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School in Austin. Marisol will attend Rice University in the fall, majoring in biomedical engineering. Marisol wants to cure breast cancer, invent a more comfortable mammogram machine and research more soothing skin grafting for burn victims. In addition, she wants to major in pre-law and involve herself in public affairs because of her interest in law enforcement.
Jennifer Angarita of Hillcrest High School in Dallas. Jennifer has been a member of the Key Club, a community-service organization, for the duration of her high school career. This varsity cross-country athlete will attend Yale University this fall to cultivate her interest in law. She is currently one of the few teenagers in Dallas to sit on the City of Dallas Youth Commission - a special group that advises the Dallas City Council about broad topics affecting youth.
Jeremy Constancio of David Crockett High School in Austin. Jeremy will attend Columbia University in the Fall, where he plans to major in American studies with concentrations in history, sociology and human rights with the goal of law school four years from now. Jeremy is active in his local community by participating in National Honor Society service projects. This summer Jeremy will work at Vinson & Elkins during the day as a student intern, part of the scholarship. In the evenings, he will be working at Lowe's in order to save money for this fall at Columbia.
Sarah Mayer of Cypress Creek High School in Houston. Sarah is attending Yale University in the fall and wants to combine her interest in physics, engineering and law in pursuit of a degree in patent and intellectual property law. While excelling at math and science, Sarah also led her high school band this past year as drum major.
Nicholas Winn of Nimitz High School in Houston. Nic is highly regarded by his teachers as having ""amazing self-discipline,"" and that they ""have rarely encountered a student his age more willing to make personal sacrifices to achieve a goal."" Nic was editor-in-chief of his high school Yearbook and a volunteer during his high school's hurricane relief drive for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. He will be attending the University of Houston in the fall and has aspirations to become a lawyer and eventually start his own firm.
""To me, the scholarship means more than just financial help. I am very excited about having the opportunity to work around lawyers and gain hands-on experience in the legal field,"" said Jeremy Constancio, one of the two scholarship recipients from Austin. ""I am eager to know what it is like to work at a law firm and think that this will be great on my resume when applying to law school. Also, considering the cost of a cup of coffee in New York City, the money I'll earn will be a big help for everyday expenses.""

Sarah Mayer agrees with Jeremy. ""It is such a huge honor to me to receive this scholarship and I'm very excited to begin my internship,"" she said. ""It's really incredible to know that Vinson & Elkins is going to continue a relationship with me beyond just writing a check to my college each year. It's great to know that they really care."" Tosin Agbabiaka shares the same sentiment as Sarah, saying that ""it's a great opportunity to be able to have an internship like this before even heading off to college; most students don't have the opportunity to work in such a professional environment until after they've begun their college career.""

This month, a former recipient of the V&E Minority Scholarship, Wendolynn Montoya, graduates with a J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law. Ms. Montoya received a bachelor's degree from Yale University and a master's degree from Harvard University. In September, she will join V&E as an associate in the firm's Public Finance Section in Houston.

""As a young student, it made quite an impression upon me that a law firm of this magnitude and stature took the time to recognize a need in underprivileged communities and fill it,"" said Ms. Montoya. ""This scholarship is just one small testament amongst many others of the continued effort of the firm to helping its surrounding communities.""

For more information please contact Ashley Battelle, communications coordinator, at 713.758.2052 or via e-mail at abattelle@velaw.com.

Vinson & Elkins was established in 1917 and is one of the world's largest international law firms. The firm has more than 700 lawyers practicing in Austin, Beijing, Dallas, Dubai, Houston, London, Moscow, New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Washington D.C. Vinson & Elkins offers a wide range of legal services. Clients include public and private companies, financial institutions, municipalities, governments of sovereign nations, entrepreneurs, families and individuals.


Venable LLP Receives Pacesetter Award, Continues to Set Standard in Providing Legal Services to Maryland’s Disadvantaged
Venable LLP is pleased to announce that, for the second consecutive year, it has received the annual “Pacesetter Award” from the Legal Aid Bureau, Inc. and the Equal Justice Council for its support and leadership in providing legal services to Maryland’s indigent.

“Venable exemplifies the best of the legal profession by consistently contributing substantial financial and pro bono resources to assist low-income Marylanders,” said Wilhelm H. Joseph Jr., Legal Aid’s executive director. “If more law firms stepped up to the plate like Venable, we would be able to help the more than 80 percent of low-income Marylanders who currently are left without civil legal assistance because of insufficient available resources.”

Now celebrating its 95th year, Legal Aid is a private, nonprofit, multi-funded law firm providing free legal services to low-income persons in BaltimoreCity and across Maryland. The Equal Justice Council promotes equal justice by increasing and diversifying the Legal Aid Bureau's resources, serving as its advocates and ambassadors, and educating the public about Legal Aid's programs.

“Venable works with the Legal Aid Bureau because it gives our firm the opportunity to practice law in the truest form by helping individuals and entities with legal services they could never afford,” said Venable partner Charles J. Morton, Jr., who will accept the award on behalf of Venable.

For more than 100 years, Venable has been representing Maryland’s disadvantaged in a wide range of poverty law issues, death penalty and civil rights cases, as well as providing other pro bono legal services.

In 2005, Venable attorneys devoted more than 22,350 hours to pro bono services in the community, or the equivalent of $7.2 million.

Venable will be presented with the Pacesetter Award at the 9th annual Equal Justice Council Awards Breakfast on Wednesday, May 24 at Camden Yards. For information about the breakfast, please call (410) 951-7777, ext. 6110.

As one of The American Lawyer's top 100 law firms, Venable LLP has lawyers practicing in all areas of corporate and business law, complex litigation, intellectual property and government affairs. Venable serves corporate, institutional, governmental, nonprofit and individual clients throughout the U.S. and around the world from its headquarters in Washington, D.C. and offices in Maryland, New York and Virginia. For more information, visit www.venable.com.


O\'Melveny & Myers Wins Appeal On Behalf Of The Screen Actors Guild
The California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, has affirmed a state court judgment in favor of O'Melveny & Myers client Screen Actors Guild, following an appeal by the plaintiff, Patricia Metoyer.

Metoyer, a former high-ranking employee of the Screen Actors Guild, was terminated based on the conclusion of an independent audit that she misappropriated money from the more than $1 million in grant funds she administered. When her termination -- and the reasons for it -- became headlines in the entertainment media, Metoyer sued the Screen Actors Guild for defamation.

Following several years of litigation in both state and federal court, and in an unusual procedural posture, O'Melveny filed an anti-SLAPP motion. Judge Minning, of the Los Angeles Superior Court, granted that motion -- dismissing Metoyer's claim and awarding the Screen Actors Guild $20,000.00 in attorneys' fees.

On May 23, 2006, the Court of Appeal affirmed and accepted virtually all of the arguments raised in oral argument and in the briefs submitted by O'Melveny. After adopting O'Melveny's arguments as to the propriety of the motion in the unusual circumstances of the case, the Court of Appeal concluded that the statements of Metoyer's misconduct were true -- a complete defense to liability. As the Court of Appeal explained, ""Metoyer's conduct cannot be defended.""

Silicon Valley partner Eric Amdursky argued before the California Court of Appeal and led the O'Melveny team that included Newport Beach associates Ryan Rutledge and Laurie Adams.

About O'Melveny & Myers LLP
O'Melveny & Myers LLP is a values-driven law firm guided by the principles of excellence, leadership, and citizenship. With the breadth, depth, and foresight to serve clients competing in a global economy, our lawyers devise innovative approaches to resolve problems and achieve business goals. Established in 1885, the firm maintains 13 offices around the world, with more than 1,000 lawyers. O'Melveny & Myers' capabilities span virtually every area of legal practice, including Antitrust/Competition; Appellate; Class Actions, Mass Torts & Aggregated Litigation; Corporate; Corporate Finance; Electronic Discovery; Entertainment & Media; Global Enforcement & Criminal Defense; Health Care & Life Sciences; Insurance; Intellectual Property & Technology; Labor & Employment; Mergers & Acquisitions; Private Equity; Project Development & Real Estate; Restructuring; Securities Enforcement & Regulatory Counseling; Securities Litigation; Strategic Counseling; Tax; and Trial & Litigation.


Three King & Spalding Partners Are Contributing Authors Of Critically Acclaimed Books On Business And Commercial Litigation
Three lawyers of King & Spalding, a leading international law firm, are contributing authors of the second edition of the critically acclaimed treatise Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts, a step-by-step practice guide that covers every aspect of a commercial case. The nine-volume treatise is a joint venture between Thomson West and the American Bar Association Section of Litigation.

The King & Spalding partners who contributed to the treatise are Daniel J. King, Meghan Magruder and Charles M. Shaffer, Jr. (retired).

King and Shaffer authored a chapter on the law governing sanctions for litigation misconduct. They discuss strategies in moving for or opposing sanctions, address Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which covers frivolous pleadings, motions and other writings submitted to federal courts, consider the rules governing sanctions for discovery abuses, to which Rule 11 does not apply, and discuss miscellaneous rules that provide sanctions under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Magruder and William H. Herr, managing counsel of The Dow Chemical Company, contributed a chapter on litigation management by corporations. They cover topics such as how to develop a litigation strategy by partnering with in-house and outside legal teams, processes for effective communication during litigation, procedures for case reporting and budgeting and examples of forms that can be helpful in all of those areas. The chapter also examines special considerations when company employees and executives will be witnesses, as well as how in-house and outside counsel can work together to prepare for trial.

King is leader of the business litigation practice of King & Spalding's Atlanta office. A partner with significant litigation and trial experience over a wide range of commercial litigation and arbitration matters, he has represented clients in business sectors that include industrial chemicals, wireless telecommunications, defense contracting and oil and gas.

Magruder is a partner of the firm's business litigation practice and tort and environmental litigation practice. She has more than twenty years' experience handling complex commercial litigation matters, particularly in insurance coverage, environmental, mass tort and product liability litigation.

Shaffer, a retired partner of the King & Spalding's business litigation practice, represented a broad range of clients in commercial litigation matters involving product liability, antitrust, commercial fraud and other complex business cases.

All royalties from the sale of Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Courts go the ABA Section of Litigation.


Jenner & Block Team Races 5K, Raises Funds for Brain Tumor Research
A team of Jenner & Block attorneys and staff were part of the 2,200 participants who raised more than a quarter million dollars for brain tumor research at the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) Path to Progress 5K Walk and Fun Run on May 6.

The ABTA is a not-for-profit organization devoted to meeting the needs of brain tumor patients and their loved ones and to finding a cure for brain tumors by funding scientific research.

Jenner & Block Associate David S. Drachler served as a member of the Path to Progress organization committee and was the leader of the Firm’s team at the race.

In addition to Mr. Drachler, the members of the Jenner & Block team included Partner John J. Buttita, Marketing Coordinator Val Chulamorkodt, Associate Mercedes M. Davis, Associate Ami J. Galani, Associate Jessica A. Garascia, Associate Bobby J. Hollis, II, Associate David M. Kavanaugh, Associate Rebecca J. Krasaeath, Associate Lisa S. Lauer, Legal Secretary Joan E. O’Brien, Pro Bono Coordinator Caroline Padmanabhan and Associate Shehla F. Syed.


The law firm of Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. has announced the addition of Timothy J. Feldhausen to its Corporate Practice Group in the Green Bay office. Feldhausen’s practice is focused on general corporate matters, mergers and acquisitions, and private equity.

Before joining the firm, Feldhausen practiced in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area, advising clients on a wide array of commercial transactions, as well as federal and state regulatory matters. In addition, Feldhausen’s experience includes service as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy, serving at sea on several warships and teaching history at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Feldhausen received his law degree, with honors, from George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C., where he served as Articles Editor of the Public Contract Law Journal. He received his master’s degree from St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland, and his bachelor’s degree in History with a minor in Russian Language from the United States Naval Academy. Feldhausen is a member of the Star Bar of Wisconsin, Maryland State Bar Association and District of Columbia Bar Association.

Founded in 1957, Godfrey & Kahn maintains offices in Milwaukee, Madison (La Follette Godfrey & Kahn), Appleton, Green Bay, and Waukesha, WI and Shanghai, PRC. With more than 190 attorneys, Godfrey & Kahn provides legal and business advice to clients ranging from small businesses and governmental entities to large privately and publicly held national and international companies.


Litigation Associate Joins Firm in New York
Blank Rome LLP is pleased to announce that Jeremy Reiss has joined the Firm as an Associate in the Litigation Department. Mr. Reiss will be based in Blank Rome New York office.

Prior to joining Blank Rome, Mr. Reiss served as an Associate with the law firm of Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP in New York. Mr. Reiss focuses his practice in the area of general complex litigation.

Admitted to practice in New York, Mr. Reiss received his law degree from University of Pennsylvania Law School, where he served as Senior Editor of the Journal of Internal Economic Law. Mr. Reiss graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, in International Relations and Economics from the University of Pennsylvania College of Arts and Sciences, where he was Reporter, Editor, and Columnist for The Daily Pennsylvanian. In addition, Mr. Reiss holds a Certificate of Business and Public Policy from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business.


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