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The Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) recently certified David A. Meyer, a partner in Rider Bennett's Business Department, as a Real Property Law Specialist. Specialist certification refers to an attorney who has completed a rigorous approval process in addition to passing the Bar exam, to establish full qualification for reliable experience and skills as a Legal Specialist in a specific legal area. This certification makes David one of only 334 attorneys in Minnesota to have earned the credential. ""Becoming a Board Certified Real Property Law Specialist is one way for me to demonstrate my commitment to real estate clients,"" says David. ""I want my clients to have peace of mind from knowing my credentials have been documented by an independent organization.""

Certification is recognized in many professions as a reliable way to identify practitioners who have demonstrated superior knowledge, skill and integrity in a specific field. Although relatively new to the legal profession, the practice of certifying specialists has been employed by the medical profession for almost a century. ""Specialist certification helps prospective clients identify an attorney who can assist them in a highly professional manner and it has grown in importance as the number of lawyers continues to increase and the areas of law become ever more complex,"" states James H. Gilbert, former Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court.

To earn the Real Property Law Specialist credential, an attorney must pass an examination in real property law, demonstrate a substantial level of experience and legal education in real estate matters, pass a disciplinary check and successfully obtain objective review by attorneys familiar with their expertise. Compliance with certification standards is audited every year and, every six years, the specialist must be recertified to insure that the attorney has maintained his expertise.

Since 1989, the MSBA has been accredited by the Minnesota State Board of Legal Certification to certify attorneys as Real Property Law Specialists. More information about MSBA Board Certified Legal Specialists is available at www.mnbar.org.


Wesley S. Chused, Esq. Elected Chairman of the Conference of Freight Counsel
Wesley S. Chused, a partner in the law firm of Looney & Grossman LLP, was elected Chairman of the Conference of Freight Counsel (CFC) at the group's bi-annual meeting in Kansas City, MO. The CFC is a nationwide association of attorneys primarily representing motor, rail, air and ocean carriers, brokers, forwarders and indirect air carriers in transportation matters.

Attorney Chused’s practice encompasses commercial and business litigation matters in general and transportation law and litigation in particular. His clients include many of the country’s leading motor carriers, van lines, airlines, steamship companies and insurance companies in litigation contracts, coverage opinions and related issues. A graduate of Clark University (B.A. 1970) and Suffolk University Law School (J.D. 1973), Mr. Chused is currently a member of Looney & Grossman’s Management Committee.


Eight attorneys from the law firm of Hill Wallack have been selected as 2006 New Jersey Super Lawyers by New Jersey Monthly Magazine. They are: Edward H. Herman, Gerard H. Hanson, Rocky L. Peterson, Ronald L. Perl, Kenneth E. Meiser, Stephen M. Eisdorfer, Craig W. Summers and Donald R. Daines.

Only a small percentage of New Jersey attorneys are given this honor. A rigorous 10-step process was used to compile the list. State lawyers who have been practicing for five years or longer receive ballots asking them to vote for the best attorneys they have personally observed in practice. Selection procedure includes peer nominations, a blue ribbon panel review process and independent research on candidates. The candidates are selected on factors such as professional achievement, noteworthy cases, pro bono efforts, and peer regard. Fact checking, screening for ballot integrity, and background disciplinary checks follow.

Edward H. Herman is a senior partner of Hill Wallack. Mr. Herman is partner-in-charge of the Workers’ Compensation Practice Group. His principal area of practice is in the representation of major self-insured corporations, insurance companies and clients of third-party administrators in the defense of workers’ compensation claims, as well as defense of tort liability, environmental litigation and automobile dealer litigation. He is also partner-in-charge of the firm’s Automotive Dealers & Business Liability Practice Group, representing many of the state’s largest automobile dealers. A resident of Highland Park, NJ, Mr. Herman presides as Municipal Court Judge in Spotswood, Plainsboro and Cranbury and the Borough of Highland Park in Middlesex County.

Gerard H. Hanson is partner-in-charge of the firm's Trial & Insurance Practice Group. Mr. Hanson has a practice concentration representing and advising the industry with respect to a broad spectrum of coverage disputes involving first party property claims, third party casualty policies including CGL, Homewners, Personal Auto and Business Auto issues, errors and omissions policies, and extra-contractual claims. Historically, Mr. Hanson has litigated and tried cases involving diverse claims, including, but not limited to: catastrophic personal injury; property damage and economic loss stemming from causes of action sounding in product, governmental, and professional liability; constitutional civil rights; statutory causes of action; defamation and libel; and construction-related issues. Mr. Hanson has substantial trial experience in both federal and state courts and has been called upon by the U.S. District Court to serve as an arbitrator. A resident of Cranbury, NJ, he is also an Adjunct Professor of Law at the Seton Hall Law Center, where he teaches Insurance.

Rocky L. Peterson is partner-in-charge of the firm's Municipal Law Practice Group and a member of its Litigation Division. He concentrates his practice in general litigation, municipal law, school law and labor and employment issues. Mr. Peterson is a resident of Pennington, NJ.

Ronald L. Perl is partner-in charge of the firm's Community Association Law Practice Group and is member of the Government Affairs Practice Group. He concentrates his practice in the areas of community association law, transactional real estate, eminent domain and tax appeals. He is a mediator for construction, real estate and community association disputes. Mr. Perl is nationally recognized for his work in the field of community association law and is a member and former Governor of the prestigious National College of Community Association Lawyers. A resident of Pennington, NJ, he is an Adjunct Professor at Seton Hall Law School in Newark.

Kenneth E. Meiser is a partner of the Land Use Division which encompasses the Land Use Litigation and Land Use Applications Practice Groups. Mr. Meiser concentrates his practice in land use litigation and approvals and development. Known for his role in several precedent-setting legal decisions including Mount Laurel 1 and 2, he has significant experience in both the land development application and permitting process, and in litigation of land use matters. A resident of East Brunswick, NJ, he is former chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association, Land Use Section.

Stephen M. Eisdorfer is a partner of the Land Use. Mr. Eisdorfer has a practice concentration on litigation in the state and federal courts and applications and proceedings before public agencies involving land use - including residential, commercial, industrial, and health-care-related projects - civil rights and consumer fraud. Mr. Eisdorfer is a resident of Highland Park, NJ.

Craig W. Summers is a partner of the Workers' Compensation Practice Group and a member of the firm's Litigation Division. He concentrates his practice in the defense of workers' compensation representing major self-insured corporations, insurance companies and clients of third-party administrators in the defense of workers' compensation claims. Among his clients, Mr. Summers represents school districts, food and manufacturing companies and employers in the healthcare industry. Mr. Summers is a resident of Turnersville, NJ.

Donald R. Daines is a partner of the Land Use Division. He concentrates his practice in land use litigation, federal fair housing and related civil rights issues which involves extensive litigation in State and Federal Courts. He also routinely appears before planning boards and zoning boards in connection with large scale developments, working closely with the developer to identify, solve and design around issues raised by environmental constraints and zoning restrictions. Mr. Daines is a resident of Readington, NJ.

Hill Wallack is one of the largest law firms in Central New Jersey, with offices in Princeton, New Jersey, and Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Over the past 25 years, Hill Wallack has earned a reputation for comprehensive problem solving. The firm’s well-known practice groups in Land Use -- Planning, Zoning, Affordable Housing, and Redevelopment -- Environmental Regulation and Litigation, Regulatory and Government Affairs, Workers’ Compensation, Insurance Defense, Real Estate, Community Association Law, Construction and Business Law are complemented by its specialty practices in Employment, Professional Liability, Government Procurement, and Public Finance.


Fasken Martineau Tax Group releases two new publications
The Tax Group of Fasken Martineau announces the release of two comprehensive publications that illustrate the depth of knowledge that Fasken Martineau's tax practitioners have in regards to tax issues that are pertinent in today's business environment.

GAAR Interpreted: The General Anti-Avoidance Rule helps you to understand the fundamental principles of GAAR, includes relevant CRA rulings and interpretations, provides a discussion of judicial interpretations and a summary of cases pending but not yet heard by the courts. The Editor in Chief of this publication is Alan Schwartz, a leading Canadian tax lawyer and former national chair of Fasken Martineau's Tax practice group who brings years of practical experience to his oversight of this publication. With contributions by additional Fasken Martineau Tax Group lawyers David D. Robertson, Peter Vair, Paul Monahan, David Fox, and Ron Choudhury, this book is the only single source that provides up-to-date analysis of how the GAAR has been interpreted and applied since its implementation in 1988.

Taxation of Mutual Fund Trusts and Corporations in Canada is a valuable resource that provides thorough coverage of the complex taxation issues governing the mutual fund industry in one single publication. Author Mitchell Thaw, a partner at Fasken Martineau, specializes in Canadian income tax law with emphasis on corporate reorganizations and mutual funds. He has significant experience with numerous transactions involving mutual funds which he has applied to the content of this book, which covers taxation of different types of entities including mutual fund trusts, mutual fund corporations, and REITs, issues related to split share corporations, split trusts, and switch funds, and other timely topics.

In today's ever-changing tax environment, it's important to ensure that you have the most up-to-date resource materials backed by the knowledgeable team of tax practitioners from Fasken Martineau. Should you wish to speak to one of the authors about their publication or how they can assist you with tax solutions, contact information for each of the authors is available by licking on their name above.


EAP&D Reselected to Serve as Bond Counsel and Special Counsel to the City of Boston
Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge has been officially notified that the firm has been reselected as bond counsel and special counsel to the City of Boston commencing July 1, 2006. EAPD has served the City in that capacity since 1993. The EAP&D team includes Bob Hale, who also supervises the firm’s services as disclosure counsel to the City of New York, and Jay Gonzalez, both partners in the firm’s Boston office. In addition to Boston and New York City, lawyers in EAP&D’s Public Finance Department serve as disclosure counsel to large public issuers throughout the east including the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and the Massachusetts Port Authority, Shelby County (Memphis), Tennessee, and Hillsborough County (Tampa/St. Petersburg) and Miami/Dade County, Florida.


Helen Alford Selected for Defense Leadership Positions
At the Alabama Defense Lawyers Assocociation's annual meeting held earlier this month, senior partner Helen Alford was elected secretary/treasurer for the upcoming year. Helen has been a member of the ADLA since 1982 and has been very involved in heading up committees and task forces and in other leadership roles over the years. Alford has also been named chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution section of the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel. Helen will assume office next month following the FDCC annual meeting.


Sheldon H. Sloan, a LosAngeles attorney and former municipal court judge, was elected the 82nd president of The State Bar of California on Saturday.

Sloan- known as a skilledp arliamentariana nd for keepingp eopleo n point during meetings- will succeedR iversidea ttorneyJ amesO 'Heiting. His term will run for a year and begin in October at the State Bar's Annual Meeting in Monterey.

In two rounds of balloting Saturday by the bar's board, Sloan was chosen to leadt he more than 200,000-membero rganizationT. he other contendersfo r the positionw ere PaulH okokiano f Fresnoa nd Demetrius Sheltono f Oakland.

""I'm honored that members of the board of governors have seen fit to entrust me with the privilegeo f becomingp resident,""s aidS loan.' -I look forward to helping lead the bar into the future and will do whatever I can to live up to the board'sc onfidencein me.""

A graduateo f UCLAa nd the Universityo f SouthernC aliforniaS choolo f Law, Sloan, 70, of counsel with Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, specializesin representingc lientsd oing businessw ith, or regulatedb y, governmenta gencies.n e was a LosA ngelesm unicipalc ourtj udge in the 1970sa nd has servedo n the JudicialC ouncilo f Californiaa nd as presidento f the LosA ngelesC ountyB ar Association.

One of his top prioritiesi s workingt o restorec ivilitya nd professionalismto the legalp rofession"".T herei s a breakdowni n civility,""S loans aidfp ointingt o sucht hings as a lawyers chedulingd epositionsw hen he knowso pposingc ounseli s going on vacationa nd ""paperingt o death"" solo practitionerss implyt o overwhelm them.

""You can practicel aw and do a goodj ob for a clientw ithout beinga ggressivea nd rude and causinga lot of troublef or everybody.""S loans aid he initiallyw as goingt o form a commissionto evaluatep roblemsa nd come up with solutions, but found that the Santa Clara bar had put together its own Code of professionalism"".I was convincedw e didn't needt o reinventt he wheel.""H e will use the SantaC larac ode as a foundationf or craftinga professionalismpl edget hat lawyersc an sign onto'

Anotherp riority is the bar's PipelineP roject- doingo utreacha nd supportingp rojectst hat get young people, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, interested in becoming lawyers. ""This is the best idea I've seen since I was elected to the board of governors three years ago,"" Sloan wrote in his campaign statement. ""I think it should be seen through to completion and then modeled throughout the nation.""

Sloan is married to Shelby Jean Sloan - both are avid golfers - and has four children and nine grandchildren.


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