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Canada's CFO of the Year Award 2007
For the 5th consecutive year Fasken Martineau is proud to be a sponsor of the 2007 Canada's CFO of the Year™ Award. Nominations are now being accepted at www.cfoy.ca. The award is given annually by presenting sponsors PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) and Financial Executives International Canada (FEI Canada) in association with The Caldwell Partners International. Now in its fifth year, the award honours the quality, insight, direction and leadership of Canada's senior financial leaders. Nominations close on March 2, 2007.

Candidates may be nominated in any business sector by CEOs, corporate directors, financial analysts and other senior executives. An independent selection committee chaired by Peter Dey, Chairman, Paradigm Capital Inc., and composed of some of Canada's most prominent business leaders, will select this year's award winner. The 2007 recipient of Canada''s CFO of the Year Award will be honoured at a gala dinner on April 18, 2007 at The Fairmont Royal York in Toronto.

Previous recipients of Canada's CFO of the Year Award include:

* 2006: Karen Maidment, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, BMO Financial Group
* 2005: Claude Mongeau, Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, CN
* 2004: Peter Rubenovitch, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Manulife Financial Group
* 2003: Peter W. Currie, Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Nortel Networks Corporation. Formerly, Vice-Chairman and Chief Financial Officer, RBC Financial Group.


Davis Graham & Stubbs Attorney Selected for 2007 Leadership Program
Davis Graham & Stubbs natural resources associate Jamie L. Jost has been selected to join the 2007 class of the Colorado Leeds School of Business 50 for Colorado Executive Development program. She joins an elite group of Colorado young professionals who were selected to the program as a result of their leadership roles in their respective fields as well as their dedication to promoting the growth of Colorado. Each 50 for Colorado participant will be provided the opportunity to gain substantial knowledge and insight on Colorado’s economy, various business impacts, and governmental affairs. Jamie was nominated for the program by her DGS colleagues, two of whom are 50 for Colorado alumni. Jamie’s practice focuses on issues affecting the oil and gas industry in both the litigation and transactional context. She represents clients in Colorado and Wyoming federal and state courts as well as in front of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. She is also involved in transactions involving energy and real estate development projects in both the U.S. and internationally.

Jamie is a 2002 graduate of the University of Wyoming College of Law, and received her B.S., cum laude, from Indiana State University in 1998.


Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLC Welcomes Associate Jennifer Ann Misciagna to the Jacksonville Office
WHO: Ms. Jennifer Ann Misciagna

WHAT: Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLC, a national labor and employment law firm representing management welcomes Associate Jennifer Ann Misciagna.

PRACTICE: Misciagna joins Constangy’s employment litigation practice group where she represents employers exclusively in all areas of labor and employment law, including state and federal court employment litigation, collective bargaining negotiations, grievance arbitrations, employee relations and general preventive work. Prior to joining Constangy, she worked for the U.S. Department of Labor in Jacksonville, Fla.

EDUCATION: J.D. & M.B.A, University of Akron in Akron, Oh; B.A., Ohio University in Athens, OH.

ADMITTED TO BAR:2006, Florida; 2004, Ohio

RESIDENCE: Jacksonville, Florida


Lisa Hofbauer Lipman Joins Firm
Cohen & Grigsby, P.C. is pleased to announce Lisa Hofbauer Lipman has recently joined the firm.

Lisa Hofbauer Lipman joins the firm’s Naples, Florida office as an associate in the Estates and Trusts Group. She focuses her practice in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, and the representation of fiduciaries in matters involving estates, trusts and private foundations. She received her J.D. from Boston College Law School in 2005, M.S. from Northwestern University in 1995 and her B.A. from Union College in 1993. She is admitted to practice in Florida, Massachusetts and South Carolina. Prior to joining Cohen & Grigsby, Ms. Lipman was an associate at the Boston office of Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP. She resides in Naples.

Cohen & Grigsby offers legal services to private and publicly held businesses, nonprofits, multinational corporations, individuals and emerging companies. It has experience in bankruptcy, business, tax, employee benefits, estates, trusts, immigration, intellectual property, international business, litigation, labor and employment, and real estate. The firm is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and has offices in Naples, Florida and Bonita Springs, Florida.


Eight Lawyers from WH& E selected as Ohio Super Lawyers for 2007
Law and Politics selected as Ohio Super Lawyers eight Lawyers from Wood, Herron & Evans for 2007. They are Greg Ahrens, Robert Chambers, Don Frei, Kurt Grossman, David Josephic, Beverly Lyman, David Stallard, and Bruce Tittel.


WHAFH Sues on Behalf of US Rice Farmers Harmed By Bayer’s Contamination of U.S. Rice Supply
Arkansas, by far the top U.S. rice-producing state, has taken the lead in responding to the contamination of U.S. longgrain supplies with traces of an experimental, genetically engineered rice.

“Everybody’s been kind of watching Arkansas,” said Thomas Wynn, director of market development for the US Rice Producers Association in Houston.

Most Arkansas rice farmers and millers are hopeful that regulations approved last month by the State Plant Board will purge the Liberty Link traits of Bayer CropScience’s LLRICE601 from the system and restore the confidence of biotech-averse rice consumers in overseas markets. The plan follows many of the recommendations proposed in November by the USA Rice Federation, a trade group that represents millers and farmers.

“It’s a good beginning,” said Ray Vester, a Stuttgart rice farmer and Plant Board member who voted in favor of the agency’s ban on planting Cheniere variety rice for commercial production in 2007 and 2008, and requiring that all rice seed planted in 2007 be tested and found negative for the presence of Liberty Link traits.

The cost of testing, which has been estimated at 2.5 cents to 15 cents per bushel, is a small price to pay relative to the price of rice seed, which costs about $7.50 per bushel, Vester said.

Bryan Moery, a Wynne rice farmer and chairman of the Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board, believes other methods of cleansing the system could have been pursued, “but I don’t know that there’s a quicker way,” he said.

“If you want to sell rice to Europe, you’ve got to do something like this to prove to them that you have cleaned it up,” Moery said.

The 27-nation European Union has stopped importing any U.S. long-grain rice because of the LLRICE601 problem. Previously, the EU purchased 5 percent to 6 percent of all U.S. long- grain rice.

Some farmers, however, are disappointed that a broader, industrywide cleanup of storage and transportation facilities was not even discussed by the Plant Board.

“That’s just almost criminal in my book,” said John Alter, a DeWitt rice-seed farmer and president of the Arkansas Rice Growers Association.

Like many people, Alter expects the cost of the Plant Board cleanup will fall almost entirely upon farmers.

Adam Levitt, a partner in the Chicago office of Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP, agrees.

Levitt led a class-action lawsuit that won $110 million for farmers after StarLink — a genetically engineered corn developed by Aventis CropScience, now Bayer CropScience — contaminated the U.S. food-corn supply in the fall of 2000.

Currently, Levitt’s firm represents five groups of Missouri rice farmers who sued Bayer CropScience after the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Aug. 18 that traces of LLRICE601 had been found in U.S. long-grain rice supplies.

Bayer’s response in the rice case has differed dramatically from their response in the corn case, Levitt said.

Shortly after the StarLink problem became public knowledge, Aventis announced a farreaching buyback program to remove contaminated corn from the system by paying corn farmers a 25-cent-per-bushel premium for their crops, he said.

“The fact that Bayer has not launched a similar program on LLRICE601 is particularly troubling,” because LLRICE601 had not been approved for commercial use when the contamination occurred, Levitt said.

“This was a more serious breach by Bayer and a more serious violation of the farmers’ trust,” than was the StarLink matter, he said.

StarLink corn, which was approved only for animal consumption because of its potential to trigger allergic reactions, was detected in taco shells.

The USDA and the Food and Drug Administration have said no health, food safety or environmental concerns are associated with LLRICE601.

In late November, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service also granted marketing approval for LLRICE601 in an effort to pave the way for EU regulators to set tolerances greater than zero for the presence of LLRICE601 and thus open the door to renewed U.S. rice exports.

“They’re leaving the farmers hanging,” despite the fact that Bayer “has been down this road before and they should know better,” he said.

Moery says Arkansas’ efforts to flush Bayer’s LLRICE601 from the 2007 crop are a boon to the company.

“Bayer ought to kiss us,” he said, because if the Plant Board rules are successful Bayer’s potential liability to Arkansas farmers would be limited to just one year.

Arkansas has the most at stake as a result of the LLRICE601 long-grain problem. In 2006, Arkansas produced 49.5 percent of all U.S. rice, more than 60 percent of all long-grain rice and an even larger percentage of longgrain rice seeds.

But Arkansas has relatively more authority than do most riceproducing states to regulate rice production within its borders.

The Arkansas Rice Certification Act, which became law in March 2005, was designed to address concerns about “pharmaceutical rice” — rice genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals.

But the law has taken on new relevance given the LLRICE601 contamination.

“The Texas Department of Agriculture does not have any regulatory authority on biotech issues,” spokesman Beverly Boyd said.

Louisiana has relied on a Seed Commission law to ban Cheniere planting in 2007, said Bob Odom, commissioner of the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.

“We’re implementing a voluntary sampling program that will sample all varieties of certified rice to test for the Liberty Link trait, and the department will forward that test to the end purchaser if they request it,” Odom said.

Spokesmen for the Missouri Department of Agriculture, the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, and the California Department of Food and Agriculture confirmed that those states have taken no action on the issue.

Many observers believe market forces ultimately will force the entire U.S. rice market to follow in Arkansas’ footsteps — with or without government regulations


Attorney David Conaway to Conduct Bankruptcy Webinar
DAVID H. CONAWAY of Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP, will conduct a webinar, "Bankruptcy Amendments Applicable to Unsecured Creditors -- One Year Later", for the Federation of Credit and Financial Professionals, an affiliate of NACM (National Association of Credit Management). The webinar will cover how the 2005 Bankruptcy Code Amendments pertaining to unsecured creditors have been interpreted and implemented by the courts, based on one year of experience. The topics include preferences, reclamation claims, 20 day administrative claims (for sale of goods), and KERPS (key employee retention plans).

Mr. Conaway is a partner and member of the Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights Practice Group. Mr. Conaway's principal areas of practice are bankruptcy, non-bankruptcy insolvencies or restructurings, workouts and commercial transactions.


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