Believe me; no one enjoys watching politicians fall from grace in public scandals more than I do. It’s not because I hate them (even though I do hate most of them). It’s because its fun to watch people being called out on such large scale hypocrisy. Presidents getting caught in extramarital affairs, Congressmen whose mistresses turn up dead and have inappropriate relations with teenage boys….with material like this, it’s a mystery why tabloids focus on celebrities. Politicians are far more scandalous, and more fun to mock because unlike celebrities, they actually promote themselves as being moral. (Actually, after rereading this sentence, I just remembered why tabloids focus on celebrities: because they’re much more fun to look at than politicians. Moving on…)
That being said, there should be a threshold to what is considered a “scandal”. Of late, I’ve been hearing quite a bit about Senator Obama’s purchase of real estate from his supporter/ shady business man Tony Rezko. Granted, it probably wasn’t the best idea, but seriously, are we going to call this a scandal? I think we should reserve the really fun stuff for scandals, because this is just boring. I’d rather read US magazine than hear about this, and trust me, that’s really saying something.