Rosen Law Firm, one of North Carolina’s largest divorce firms, has come up with a real cool idea. It’s an attempt to assist the families of divorced clients through the first throes of post divorce adjustment. Rosen is offering a game called Earthquake in Zipland made by Zipland Interactive Ltd. for this task. The game, which has been developed following extensive research, is therapeutic in nature.
Moose, the principal character in the game, takes a family on a quest of exploration. Those playing the game experience emotions like anger, solitude, and the mental conflicts that surround the central concept of loyalty. Psychologically, the game helps children to adapt to their parents’ separation through interactive game play.
That is a laudable effort on Rosen’s part, and one hopes to see other firms adopting similar humane stands towards children shocked by parental separation.
I must say that nothing can be better than such a game to ease the hearts of children and mend the family bonds stressed by divorce. Why didn’t anybody think of it earlier?